This shop benefits the Aftermath Foundation

Scientology is very pervasive in its belief that someone who has an antisocial personality causes division, and therefore, should be shunned. The label of "suppressive person"—or SP—  has been used by Scientology as leverage to destroy families and attempt to quash those who are working to expose Scientology abuses. Therefore, we seek to reclaim the title, and we use SP to mean Special People — those who are brave and courageous enough to speak out against a billion-dollar abusive cult who earned tax exempt status by bullying the IRS with hundreds of lawsuits and coercive tactics. Those tactics may have worked on the IRS in 1993, but they will NOT work on us now.

The SP Shop is a proud sponsor of the Aftermath Foundation! Proceeds from all sales here are donated to the Aftermath Foundation. Thank you for your support!

Thank you for your support!

Thank you for your support!
